| 1 | == Meeting Overview: |
| 2 | 1. Designing Bots Strategies (5mins) |
| 3 | 2. Introducing Building Robocode Outline (5mins) |
| 4 | 3. Showing Example Robot based on Outline + Demoing it (10min) |
| 5 | 4. Figure 8 Movement Pattern (15min) |
| 6 | 5. Independent time to work on Robocode Bots + Individual Breakout room with one of team leads to ask questions if necessary (until end of meet) |
| 7 | |
| 8 | == Links: |
| 9 | - '''Video Recording:''' [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/12kBek9Scwt8l5huK3C7tNS6VnsTLhbtd/view?usp=sharing|Recording]] |
| 10 | - '''PPT/Resources used in Presentation:''' [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19iAaxEk5rD96ptVmimvADtYivGjwQrhoCedCXlybYQ4/edit?usp=sharing|PPT: Constructing Bot Strategies]]; [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xlLJUeUq7AM4WXfkHARMgm9H__roBuEJjsNoIeHGMWI/edit|DOC: Outline]] |
| 11 | - '''Notes/Script:''' N/A |
| 12 | |
| 13 | == Reflection: |
| 14 | - '''Attendance:''' 80% (4/5) |
| 15 | - '''Skill Pins Earned:''' N/A |
| 16 | - '''Overall Rating:''' 8.5 |
| 17 | - (1= Garbage, 10= Absolutely Amazing) |
| 18 | - Team leads: 9 |
| 19 | - Rookies: 8 |
| 20 | - '''Pacing:''' 3 |
| 21 | - (1= too slow, 3= perfect, 5= too fast; from rookie's perspective) |
| 22 | - '''Understanding of material:''' 3 |
| 23 | - (1= Nothing, 5= Understood everything; from rookie's perspective) |
| 24 | |
| 25 | || ||= What went well =||= What could be improved on =|| |
| 26 | ||= Team Leads =||Very prepared, well-timed||Maybe compiling and saving as you work along (for robocode)|| |
| 27 | ||= Rookies =||N/A||N/A|| |