Modify the generated code as follows: * Add the following imports: {{{ import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Encoder; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Talon; }}} * Declare variables for the [ Encoder] and [ Talon] (motor controller) objects in the Robot class {{{ private Talon leftMotor, rightMotor; private Encoder leftEncoder, rightEncoder; }}} * In robotInit() instantiate the Encoder and Motor objects {{{ // Quadrature encoder has A and B channels connected to DIO0,1, DIO2,3 leftEncoder = new Encoder(0, 1); rightEncoder = new Encoder(2, 3, true); // right side direction is reversed // Peanut wheels are 7.5" in diameter // Encoders provide 1 count per degree of rotation leftEncoder.setDistancePerPulse((3.141592*7.5)/360); rightEncoder.setDistancePerPulse((3.141592*7.5)/360); // PWM motor controllers connected to PWM0, PWM1 leftMotor = new Talon(0); rightMotor = new Talon(1); // right side must turn in opposite direction rightMotor.setInverted(true); }}} * In robotPeriodic() display the encoder values: {{{ SmartDashboard.putNumber("Left", leftEncoder.getDistance()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Right", rightEncoder.getDistance()); }}} * In autonomousInit() reset the encoder counts and start the motors: {{{ // Reset encoder counts to 0 leftEncoder.reset(); rightEncoder.reset(); // start motors turning forward at 20% power leftMotor.set(0.20); rightMotor.set(0.20); }}} * In the default section of autonomousPeriodic() stop if we've gone the desired distance. Notice our first use of the logical OR operator (!||) to test whether either of two conditions is true {{{ if ((leftEncoder.getDistance() > 36.0) || (rightEncoder.getDistance() > 36.0)) { leftMotor.stopMotor(); rightMotor.stopMotor(); } }}} For the complete see [wiki:ControlSystems/SoftwareTeam/Training/GettingStarted/Autonomous/PWMCode here]