This is a list of exercises that will start simple and begin to get more and more advanced. As the exercises get more advanced, the amount of hints and information given will decrease, allowing for more freedom and independence while programming. * As the exercises get harder you will most likely have to start searching up information you don't know * Searching up information you don't know is just a part of programming * If you still don't understand after searching something up, feel free to ask one of the leads or deputies, or even the people around you. We're always glad to help. * Please do not feel pressured to complete all these exercises * Focus on fully understanding all the exercises you complete instead of trying to cover all the information * Feel free to mess around with the code to see what changes * If you still feel shaky about a topic after completing the exercise, try coming up with your own similar exercise and completing it without hints * Ex. If you feel shaky on `Animal Farm`, try creating a `Garden` without looking back at the exercise or your `Animal Farm` code. == Basic exercises: Recommended exercises: * !SumAndAverage * !CheckerBoard * Fibonacci * Bin2Dec * !GradeStatistics === Another challenge: Write a high-low guessing game; have a person think of the number, and have the computer try to guess it. After each guess, the human will tell the computer whether it's higher or lower == Another challenge: Animal Farm === Step 1: Abstract Classes Create an `abstract class` called `Animal` that has a `mass` and a `name`. These should be `private`. * All animals should have a constructor which gives them a `mass` and a `name` when they are created * All animals can `eat` an `amount`, which increases their `mass` by `amount` * All animals can also `move` a `distance`, which decreases their `mass` by `distance` * All animals can `speak`, but they all speak differently * Everybody can use `getName` to get the name of an animal * Everybody can use `getMass` to get the mass of an animal Create a class called `Cat` that `extends Animal` * When a cat `speak`, it prints `Meow!` Create a class called `Dog` that `extends Animal` * When a dog `speak`, it prints `Woof!` Create a class called `Farm` * The `Farm` has a `main` method * In the `main` method, the `Farm` creates a `Cat` with a `mass` of `12.2` named `Cloud` * In the `main` method, the `Farm` creates a `Dog` with a `mass` of `15.4` named `Spot` In the `main` method, the `Farm` will: * print the names of both animals and their masses. * Ex. `Spot is a Dog with a mass of 15.4.` * Then, `Cloud` will `eat` `0.2`, `move` `0.8`, and `speak`. * `Spot` will then `eat` `0.4`, `move` `0.6`, and `speak`. * `Farm` will print the names of both animals and their masses once again. You will probably get weird numbers like 15.200000000001. This is imprecision with floating point numbers, and is normal === Step 2: Constructor Overloading * All animals can also be created with only a `mass`. * If an animal is created without a `name`, it's name is set to `Steve` by default. * All animals now also have a `setName` method which sets their `name`. * All animals can `printInformation`, which prints information on the specific animal. * Ex. `Spot is a Dog with a mass of 15.4` Create a class called `Hummingbird` * All `Hummingbird` have a `wingspan`. * Hummingbirds must be created with a `mass`, `wingspan`, and `name`. * When a Hummingbird `speak`, it prints `Tweet!` * Everybody can use `getWingspan` to get the `wingspan` of a Hummingbird. `Farm` should: * Create an array of 5 `Animal` called `animals` that contains: * 1 `Dog` with `mass` `10` * 1 `Dog` with `mass` `15` and `name` `Fido` * 1 `Cat` with `mass` `13` and `name` `Cloud` * 1 `Hummingbird` with `mass` `1.1`, `name` `Birdie`, and `wingspan` `2.2` * 1 `Cat` with `mass` `5` * `printInformation` on all `Animal` in the array Questions to think about: * `animals[4]` is a `Hummingbird`, but does `animals[4].getWingspan()` work? * How can you get the wingspan of animals[4]? === Step 3: Method Overloading and Overriding * All animals can also `eat` other `Animal`, which increases their `mass` by the `mass` of the `Animal` they ate, and sets the `mass` of the `Animal` they ate to `0`. Hummingbirds are very small, so they will only `eat` a maximum of their own `mass`. * If a Hummingbird with `mass` `1` eats `5`, it will end with a mass of `2` * If a Hummingbird with `mass` `2` eats a `Cat` with `mass` `5`, it will end with a mass of `4`, and the `Cat` will end with a `mass` of `0` * `mass` and `name` should stay `private`. This may be a bit challenging at first, but be creative! * Hint: `super.method()` will run `method()` of the superclass From here on out, run whatever code you need in `Farm` to check to make sure your code works the way it is expected to. === Step 4: Enums * Create an `enum` called `State`, which can be `TAMED`, `PARTIALLY_TAMED`, or `WILD` * `Cat` and `Dog` all have a `State`. Hummingbirds do not * It is possible to `getState` of both `Cat` and `Dog` * `Cat` and `Dog` start with a default `State` of `WILD` * It is possible to `setState` of `Cat` * You can `tame` a `Dog`, which makes them more tamed (`WILD` -> `PARTIALLY_TAMED`, `PARTIALLY_TAMED` -> `TAMED`, `TAMED` -> `TAMED`) === Step 5: Static Variables and Methods * `Animal` has a `static int` called `population`, which starts at `0` and increases by `1` every time an animal is created * `Animal` has a `static getPopulation` method which returns the total number of animals created * When two Animals `meet`, the more massive one eats the one with less mass. This should be a `static` method in `Animal` === Step 6: Interfaces * Create an `interface` called `Building` * A building must be able to `collapse` * A building must be able to `store` an `Object`, which `return` `true` if it was successful and `false` otherwise. === Step 7: Lists, Generics * A `Farm implements Building` * A `Farm` has a `List` of `Animal` * Research `Java Generics` to find out how to create a `List` of `Animal`, and to find out what generics do * Use either an `ArrayList` or `LinkedList`, but keep the type generalized as `List` * When a `Farm` `store` an `Object`, it `add` the object to the end of the `List Animal` and `return true` if the object is an `Animal`. Otherwise, it does nothing and `return false`. * A `Farm` has an `address` * A `Farm` has a `Color` that can be `RED`, `BROWN`, `WHITE`, `BLUE`, or `GREEN` * When a `Farm` `collapse`, it's `List` of `Animal` is cleared. * Warning: Clearing a List is not the same as setting it to null. === Final Step: Double Check Double check all your code to make sure it makes sense. Edit anything you need. For example... * Animals can eat themselves * Animals that have been eaten still count as part of the population === Review: Deck of Cards (Enums, Lists) Create a Deck of Cards. Each Card has a value Ace through King, and a suit. You can draw cards from the top of the deck, do a perfect riffle shuffle (split the deck in half and alternate cards) of the deck, and print out all the cards in the deck. Overriding the `toString` method will be very helpful. === Review: Creatures (Inheritance, Static) Create a Garden of Plants. Plants and Animals are both Creatures. Make up some methods that you think are suitable for each, and create them (ex. What do all creatures do the same? What do all creatures do differently? What do only specific creatures do?). Make sure you include static variables and methods (ex. list of all creatures ever created). === Deck of Cards step 2: Program a card game (war, go fish, etc.) using your deck of cards. Create any methods you will need for your game, and see how much you can optimize your game. === Creatures step 2: Program a game using all your creatures classes (ex. text based Create whatever methods and/or classes you will need, and try to keep your code as simple as possible.