9 | 9 | Once the preseason event(s) are over, the tryout process begins. The presence of the tryouts is announced to the entire team, every meeting, as to make sure anyone who would like to, does tryout. Participants are given practice time in order to acquaint themselves with the controls. After a 10-15 minute practice time, drivers are evaluated on a pre-set custom obstacle course consisting of cones and whiffle balls. They are timed on their lap, and evaluated on their stability and recklessness. The 3 "Preseason Drivers" do not participate in this initial tryout. Once al students have completed their evaluation, 5 are selected to move on the the final selection process, in which they will be evaluated with and against the 3 preseason drivers. Of these 8, 5 will be made into the final '''B Team.''' |