= Setting Up Your Computer for FRC Java Programming == 1. Install Java SE 8 Make sure the correct version of Java SE 8 is installed. You will need the JDK (Java Software Development Kit); the current version is JDK 8u101. The installation can be found on [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html Oracle's site]. Make sure to accept the license agreement, or it won't let you download. == 2. Install Git (if not already installed on your PC) * Download from [https://git-scm.com/downloads here] == 3. Install Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSC) * Follow the [https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/79833/l/932382-installing-vs-code instructions on ScreenstepsLive] to download and install [https://code.visualstudio.com/download VSC] and the needed extensions as well as the latest [https://github.com/wpilibsuite/vscode-wpilib/releases WPILib VSC extension] * !ScreenstepsLive instructions on using are [https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/79833/l/941601-vs-code-basics-and-wpilib-in-vs-code here] * Note: the 2015-2018 Seasons used Eclipse instead of VSC; see instructions for installing [wiki:/ControlSystems/Legacy/Eclipse here] == 4. Installing CAN Talon stuff Some of the intelligent FRC peripherals communicate with the roboRIO over a local CAN network. These peripherals have their own microprocessors and require installation of additional software from the manufacturer (Cross The Road Electronics). * Download and install the Phoenix Installer from [http://www.ctr-electronics.com/talon-srx.html#product_tabs_technical_resources here] == Legacy (pre-2018) FRC development used the Eclipse IDE and you needed to install the CTRE libraries differently: == 1. Install the Talon SRX libraries: * Download the Cantalon libraries from [http://www.ctr-electronics.com//downloads/lib/CTRE_FRCLibs_NON-WINDOWS_v4.4.1.9.zip] (up to date as of 1/14/17) * Merge the java/lib folder in the archive with the WIPLib lib folder. This should be in C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\wpilib on Windows or your home folder on Linux. If you use Mac OS X, you're going to have to install a decent operating system on your computer. == 2. Creating a FRC Java Project 1. In Eclipse, right-click in the open space in the Package Explorer and select {{{New >}}}, and then inside the sub-menu that pops up, select {{{Project...}}}. Selecting {{{Java Project...}}} will not work. 2. Under {{{WPILib Robot Java Development}}}, select {{{Robot Java Project}}}. 3. After clicking next, if creating a FRC Java Project for the first time, there will be a prompt for team number. Enter {{{ 2537 }}} 4. In the next screen, specify a unique, identifiable project name, preferably one that will not be confused with other, similar projects. Enter in a new, custom package hierarchy or leave the default. 5. Choose a project template: a. Iterative - cyclic program execution; your code is repeated every 20 ms b. Command-Based - event-driven program execution c. Simple - ''DO NOT USE'' 6. Click {{{Finish}}}.