* Run a program at startup of Pi/Raspian:     Check out the following URLs for examples and reference information:     http://www.mikeslab.net/?p=176 http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts Highlights from this page:         NOTE: Use ‘sudo’ to perform these operations as root in a Raspbian shell… Create an LSB style init script for launching a PiBot autonomous startup app.[[BR]] * I copied rc.local as a starting point and modified it to run my desired - PiBot app as follows: * sudo cp /etc/init.d/rc.local /etc/init.d/pibot_auto * sudo vi /etc/init.d/pibot_auto * Revise the header block to describe PiBot autonomous app * Revise the do_start() to launch the PiBot autonomous app * Save and exit editor * Test/debug the script until it works as desired using these commands: * sudo /etc/init.d/pibot_auto start * sudo /etc/init.d/pibot_auto stop * sudo /etc/init.d/pibot_auto restart When working as desired, register script to run at startup/shutdown: * sudo update-rc.d pibot_auto defaults If the script is changed (edited) after registering, a ‘reload’ may be necessary as follows: * sudo systemctl daemon-reload To unregister the script (i.e., stop it from running at startup/shutdown): * sudo update-rc.d -f pibot_auto remove