Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of MentorOverview

May 23, 2016, 10:28:54 PM (9 years ago)



  • MentorOverview

    v6 v7  
    1616The team has several "captains" with specific team-wide duties:
    1717   * Team Captain - responsible for the overall team morale, planning, and cooperation
    18    * Strategy Captain - becomes expert on rules and develops the strategies the team will use during competition and to form alliances
    1918   * Integration Captain - responsible for ensuring the work done by various sub-teams (see below) integrates successfully into a final robot.  Often manages the schedule during build season.
    20    * Game Captain - coordinates the actions at a competition including driving, scouting, alliance formation, etc.
    21 There are several other "captains" and it's not clear to me what the difference is between a Captain and a sub-team Lead...they might be the same.
    22    * Operations captain - subteam lead for the operations sub-team (see below)
    23    * Hardware captain - ?
    24    * Software Captain - subteam lead for the control systems sub-team (see below)
     19   * Game Captain - becomes expert on rules and develops the strategies the team will use during competition and to form alliances, coordinates the actions at a competition including driving, scouting, alliance formation, etc.
     20   * Operations captain - coordinates all non-technical aspects of the team. oversees the business, outreach, and marketing leads.
     21   * Hardware captain - coordinates robot mechanism teams, assessing risk and communicating needs to other captains
    26 [[BR]]   The team is then split into sub-teams, each with one or two leads and each focusing on specific areas including:
    27    * Operations - business/fund-raising (the team raises tens of thousands of dollars annually through sponsors), community outreach, marketing, video and document production, etc.
    28    * Mechanical - design and build the mechanical aspects of the robot: its frame, drive-train, and manipulating mechanisms.  This team is often further broken down into mechanism-specific teams where each is responsible for a specific mechanism such as specific manipulators or the drive-base.
     23[[BR]]   The team is then split into sub-teams, each with one or two leads under the direction of a captain and each focusing on specific areas including:
     25Under Operations
     26   * Business - fundraising and budgeting in coordination with Tech Boosters
     27   * Marketing - giveaway, uniform, and banner design, video production, social media, website, newsletter
     28   * Outreach - coordinates team presence at community events, tracks student FLL mentoring, recruits students with varied interests from other clubs
     29Under Mechanical
     30   * Mechanism - design and build the mechanical aspects of the robot: its frame, drive-train, and manipulating mechanisms. Each mechanism on the robot (for example drive train, shooter) has its own team.
     31   * Field and Pit - construct replicas of the competition environment for training/practice during the build season and manage the "pit" where the robot is maintained and repaired during competitions (like the pit crew for a race car).
     32Under Integration
    2933   * Electrical - design and build the electrical/electronic aspects of the robot: its computers, batteries, power distribution, motor controllers, etc.
    3034   * Control Systems - design and write the software that controls the robot and the sensing systems (sonar/lidar/switches/accelerometers/etc.) that let the robot sense its environment
    31    * Field and Pit - construct replicas of the competition environment for training/practice during the build season and manage the "pit" where the robot is maintained and repaired during competitions (like the pit crew for a race car).
     35Under Game
    3236   * Drive - the students who control (drive) the robot during competition and interact with other teams to form competition alliances
     37   * Strategy - analyzes rules to find best scoring opportunities. validates designs against strategy.
    3438'''Team Philosophy'''
    3539Team 2537 is a "student-led" team meaning that the students are expected to design and build the robot and, for the most part, run the team.  Mentors' roles are to teach skills and provide guidance (including to help prevent disastrous failures).  The team is analogous to a sports "rec" team meaning that all students are welcome.  Team Captains and Sub-Team leads are selected by mentors: students apply for the role, are interviewed by a small group of mentors, and then a student is selected (in some cases two students are selected as co-leads/co-captains).  Cooperation with other teams is encouraged.  The overriding FIRST philosophy is "Gracious Professionalism".
    4044* [ Blue Alliance] - event information and streaming video
    4145* [ FIRST Non-Engineering Web Site] - Numerous whitepapers on all aspects of running a FIRST team: fundraising, finding volunteers, judging, competitions, etc
     46* [ Job Descriptions] - Description of leadership roles from email on June 5, 2016
     47* [ 15-16 Org Chart]
    4349'''Team Handbook'''