= Snow Emergency Plan = In case of snow for a weekend/non-school day meeting, these are the team's procedures for inclement weather. == 7:30am | Check school closing. Call the !Weekend/Holiday Closing Hotline for HCPSS: ''(410) 313-6827'' == Reinforce school closing or confirm school opening. Send a !TeamSnap ''alert'': {{{#!td Hi SpaceRAIDers, Schools are ''closed'' today, so we are not meeting at Atholton, but we are looking at meeting at other off-site locations. Stay tuned for details. Another alert will be sent out by 8:10am. Team 2537 Leadership }}} [[BR]] {{{#!td Hi SpaceRAIDers, Schools are ''open'' , so we will be meeting at Atholton today. As always, safety is the first priority, so come out if you feel safe and comfortable to do so. Team 2537 Leadership }}} ==== Sent by: 7:35 | [[BR]] 7:40 | [[BR]] 7:45 | [[BR]] 7:50 | [[BR]] == Alternative Plans '''Contact Mr. Albert about off-site locations.''' [[BR]] ==== Person in Charge: Call, text, or email Mr. Albert at david@dalbert.net or ''(301) 728-0718''. '''Contact those who have offered up homes and basements.''' ==== Person in Charge: These are the students and mentors who have opened up their homes: || name || contact info || || name || contact info || == 8:00am | Make final decision for meeting at off-site locations. {{{#!div style="color:red; border:dotted; text-align:center" Once the decision is made, location will not change for that day, excepting severe/adverse conditions. }}} Send out !TeamSnap ''alert'': {{{#!td Hey SpaceRAIDers, As you know, schools are closed. As a team, we have reached a decision that . If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any of the captains or leads. Team 2537 Leadership }}} ==== Sent by: 8:00 | [[BR]] 8:05 | [[BR]] 8:10 | [[BR]] [[BR]][[BR]][[BR]]''Last updated May 5, 2017''