= Using Subversion for Project Management Subversion provides structures to allow for efficient project sharing. All the instructions on this page assume that the development environment is Eclipse, using any programming language. == Trunk, Branches, Tags The '''trunk''' is where the main bulk of running code is located. Put the final, integrated software and shared software code in this hierarchical level. If necessary, sometimes a small team will need to branch off to work on some experimental testing/coding. These '''branches''' split off from the trunk and can be worked on independently, receive updates periodically from the trunk, and be merged back into the trunk when ready (or is terminated and stored away). When there is a working version of code, it can be '''tag'''ged as a special version. === To create a project in the trunk 1. Create a project in the programming language perspective. 2. Right-click the project, select {{{Team >}}}, then {{{Share Project...}}}. 3. Select {{{SVN}}} as the CM. 4. Choose advanced settings, and make sure the command at the bottom of the page ends in {{{ //trunk/ }}} 5. Finish and commit. === To create a branch project 1. In the SVN Repository Exploring perspective, right click the project which you want to make a branch from. 2. Select {{{New >}}}, then {{{Branch...}}}. 3. Fill out the information and finish and commit. === To check a project out Command line: svn co svn+ssh://mylogin@jupiter2.raidtech.net/home/svn/FIRST/myProject === To see a list of projects: Command line: svn list svn+ssh://mylogin@jupiter2.raidtech.net/home/svn/FIRST === To update a branch project === To merge a branch project into the trunk === To create a tag