'''Subversion is no longer used, the team has switched to Git''' Subversion is used for version control; the repositories are stored in /home/svn. Repositories are accessed securely from subversion clients (such as !NetBeans) using the URL: * svn+ssh://jupiter2.raidtech.net/home/svn/ Separate repositories are used for each sub-team that does not need to share code with other sub-teams (e.g. gameapp, sensors, etc.). Experiments should be done using the test repository. === Creating a repository: {{{ sudo svnadmin create /home/svn/myrepo sudo chown -R root:swdev /home/svn/myrepo/db sudo chmod -R g+w /home/svn/myrepo/db sudo chown -R root:swdev /home/svn/myrepo/locks sudo chmod -R g+w /home/svn/myrepo/locks }}} After creating a repository, add it to Trac using the [http://wiki.raidtech.net/admin/versioncontrol/repository web interface]. If there is data in the repository already, you may need to execute the following command: {{{ sudo trac-admin /var/local/trac repository resync "myrepo" }}} You may also need to add a post-commit hook in the repository to call: {{{ trac-admin /var/local/trac changeset added "myrepo" $REV }}} For more information see: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.reposadmin.create.html === Adding a project To create a project within a repository using the command line, on your local computer: * create project dir myproj w/sub-dirs: tags, branches, trunk * create/copy your project under myproj/trunk (see example helloc project in test repository) * cd myproj * svn import !svn+ssh://jupiter2.raidtech.net/ -m "initial import" You can also usually create projects using the subversion client in your IDE.