
Version 4 (modified by benjialbert, 7 years ago) (diff)


Vision Framework


Create a reprogrammable module in which a Raspberry Pi 3, protective case, power cable, light ring, and camera are self contained and execute a base program on startup. The base code of the module continuously reads the camera feed (subscribes to camera) and publishes corresponding data via the Pi's serial output (located on the Pi's GPIO connector). This data can then be fairly simply read by the RoboRIO. We hope that this will make implementing a vision subsystem a more simple proposition, allowing more teams to do so.


  • Clear Case
  • Raspberry Pi 3 (with NOOBS installed on Micro SD card)
  • Ribbon Cable Camera (need 3)
  • Micro USB Cable
  • Light Ring
  • 3-pin female to female jumper wire

Raspberry Pi Subscriber-Publisher Architecture
