wiki: Week 1: Icebreakers, Intro/Overview, Setup Onshape

Meeting Overview:

  1. Send out robobuddies google form
  2. Introduce Trainers + trainees
  3. Meeting routine (5min)
    • Reference sheets, add people to slack channel, complete attendance on teamsnap
  4. Icebreaker questions in breakout room with robobuddies (15min)
  5. Come back to main room + share interesting thing they learned about someone (5min)
  6. Go over resources (10min)
  7. Goals and overview of training program (20min)
  8. Todos: Survey for info/permissions, Create Onshape account and do tutorials



  • Attendance: 56% (5/9)
  • Skill Pins Earned: CAD I (Has Onshape account, knows how to read CAD drawings) (Total: 3/9)
  • *Note: Reflection not implemented until Week 10
Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Jan 16, 2021, 10:29:43 AM