Meeting Overview:
- Teach the students Electrical Safety 101, what to avoid, etc.
- Identifying ground, neutral, and hot wires
- Dealing with a battery spill
- AHS Safety quiz
- What is Ohm’s law, how to use it, and practice
- Using TinkerCad? to demonstrate Ohm’s law.
- Video Recording: N/A
- PPT/Resources used in Presentation: Collective PPT: Slides 8-19
- Notes/Script: Week 2 Reference Sheet
- Other Resources: Ground Neutral and Hot wires explained; Ohms Law Explained - The basics circuit theory
- Attendance: N/A
- Skill Pins Earned: Component Recognition 1, Electrical Assembly 1
- *Note: Reflection not implemented until Week 10
Last modified 4 years ago
Last modified on Jan 17, 2021, 3:50:53 PM