Meeting Overview:
- Ask to add an outreach section to the website
- Grants: list due dates and grant criteria in spreadsheet, start the application by 11/1
- Boeing, Toyota, Honda, Best Buy
- Outreach
- Make poster/flyer to send out to teachers
- Tin foil boats
- Finish ppt by 11/1
- Brush bots
- Finish activity timeline by 11/1
- Finish ppt by 11/8
- Finish bagging materials by 11/8
- Paper airplanes
- Finish activity timeline by 11/8
- Finish ppt by 11/15
- Finish newsletter by 10/31
- Email about 2019-2020 expense list
- Create emails for some of members
- Video Recording: N/A
- PPT/Resources used in Presentation: N/A
- Notes/Script: 10/25/20 Meeting
- Attendance: N/A
- Skill Pins Earned: N/A
Last modified 4 years ago
Last modified on Feb 13, 2021, 1:45:38 PM