The Electrical sub-team manages all of the electrical wiring and components on the robot from the battery to the motors.
Lead Mentor: Ross Johnson
- Wire Stripping
- Crimping
- Soldering including soldering project Bring box of old circuit boards (scrap), through-hole components, focus on producing good solder joints, then assemble a Jameco project
- Cable dressing (anchors, tie wraps, heat shrink, spiral wrap, etc.
- Wire gauges, male/female connectors, color codes
- Connectors used on a FRC robot
- Electrical terms and electrical safety
- Multimeters - volts, ohms, amps
- Components (PDP, Talons, etc.)
Advanced Students
- Electrical systems design (on the robot)
- Autodesk Inventor
- Solidworks
- Test equipment
- Oscilloscope
- Current Shunts, hall effect sensing
- Signal Generator
- Simple logic analyzers
- Design and construction of a stand-alone motor controller (aka Johnson box)
- Sensors
- Ultrasonics
- Encoders: CIMCoder/E4x
- Switches
- Opto-reflectors/interrupters
Communications Busses
- Digital I/O (levels)
- Serial (TTL, RS-232, RS-485, balanced RS-422)
- CAN bus
Last modified 9 years ago
Last modified on Jun 13, 2016, 9:45:43 PM