Teaching students should pre-certified before first meeting Start by reading this. There will be a quiz on Canvas so read carefully.
General safety training(all students): death by powerpoint Individual machine certification lessons- each tool/machine as a station w/ pre-certified student
- V. Bandsaw
- H. Bandsaw
- Drill Press
- Sander
- Scrollsaw
- Handtools?
- demonstration of tool, with test questions in mind.
- Allow people to ask questions about things
- test on computer
*Safety Glasses* why we wear 'em
- Stress use constantly, to point of annoyance
-Specifically in shop, at comp(in the pits), on carpet
-distribute personal safety glasses to mech students, to be kept in shop
*need rack to store glasses
Consequences -verbal warning for basically everything -extremely unsafe behavior results in exit from shop
-requiring excessive warnings -deliberate violation
Attachments (1)
Shop Safety.pptx (1.9 MB) - added by 7 years ago.
Shop Safety
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