Mentors: Mark Perry, Paul Gretes
Students: Mateo Rodriguez (Mech), Fahim Karim (CS/SW), Jessica Wu (CS/Electrical)
The team purchased a peanut chassis and built a minimal drive base that has become the team's primary outreach bot. The robot is handy for outreach because it is small, allowing it to be transported easily and used in tight spaces and is also somewhat safer/less powerful (powered by 2 CIM motors rather than 4). However, the bot has no mechanisms, cameras, or sensors, making it fairly un-interesting for an outreach robot. The project is to:
- Add bumpers to make it safer
- Add sensors to make it safer (collision avoidance) and more interesting
- Add cameras to demonstrate remote driving
- Add a mechanism to make it fun
Last modified 7 years ago
Last modified on Oct 11, 2017, 3:39:15 PM