
Mentors: Kevin Welch, Balu Pillai

Students: Max Abitante (Mech), Max Xuan (CS/Electrical), Daniel Osheroff (CS/SW)

The team purchased a peanut chassis and need to design a robot around it that should include the drive base (the purchased kit), a control system, camera(s), sensors, and a mechanism to make it do something useful.

The peanut robots serve several purposes including providing a training and code-testing platform for control systems and a mobile platform for testing mechanisms. Building these bots will give all participants a rough idea of what building a robot is really like, from the design to assembly to control and schedule to get it all working. These peanut bots should include or accommodate a mechanism, cameras, sensors, etc. to give the team the experience of building a real game robot. This project may involve a mix of beginner and experienced students.

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Oct 11, 2017, 3:34:14 PM