
Mentor: Sandeep Pulim, Hua Guo

Students: Joey Egert (Mech), Carl McAlduff (CS/Electrical), Rohan Uttamsingh (CS/SW), Jacob Na, Luke Kadingo (Mech LIT)

The team purchased a peanut chassis and need to design a robot around it that should include the drive base (the purchased kit), a control system, camera(s), sensors, and a mechanism to make it do something useful.

The peanut robots serve several purposes including providing a training and code-testing platform for control systems and a mobile platform for testing mechanisms. Building these bots will give all participants a rough idea of what building a robot is really like, from the design to assembly to control and schedule to get it all working. These peanut bots should include or accommodate a mechanism, cameras, sensors, etc. to give the team the experience of building a real game robot. This project may involve a mix of beginner and experienced students.


1)T-Shirt canon 2)Fork Lift 3)Ball Shooter 4)Kicker bot 5)Domino placer 6)Robot Lift 7)Catapult 8)Target shooter

Decision Matrix
Criteria (1-5): Fun to use, Easy to build, Fun to watch, Educational value, How engaged

Final choice: Target shooter

Description of target shooter: Our teams shot at redemption for a target shooter that works better than the one from last year. Will be able to balls similar to the ones from last year with the use of a servo motor for loading as well as fly wheels to send the balls forward. There will be a potential camera on the barrel on the gun which will be used for targeting. Sketch has been emailed to Alex Taber for reference on location.

Project Timeline

Time Line
    1-Idea session
    2-Decision matrix 
    4-Base design
    5-Chassis Construction 
    6-Chassis Construction 
    7-Chassis Construction
    8-Chassis Construction 
    9- Update on project and beginning layout for target shooter


Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Nov 14, 2017, 4:07:41 PM