  1. How do I learn about FIRST, FRC robots, and the program in general

The team wiki contains a wealth of information and should be your go-to place for information. It is especially useful for new students and mentors. New mentors will receive an email with your wiki account information. When you get your account, you should start with a few links:

  1. What exactly should I be doing with the kids

We spend the entire Fall on training: building skills that will be used when the time comes to build the robot. During the first few weeks, new students (and mentors) can learn what each part of the team does and how they do it. This is a great opportunity for you to learn as well and to get to know some of the kids. The students work in small groups of 2-3 students. Embed yourself with a group of new students and stay with them as you and they go through the learning process:

  • help them get to know each other - ask them about their middle school, their technology and non-technology interests, help them to start talking with each other so they can make friends on the team - many technology-focused students (and mentors) are shy and need some help with this.
  • help them stay focused and productive (a challenge for many teens)
  • help them when they get stuck, but don't do the work for them or give them the answers
  • tell them a little about what you do professionally
  • feel free to add information, anecdotes, and challenges that will make learning more fun for them
  1. What paperwork do I need to do

Sadly, there is paperwork. Most of it only needs to be done once and we'll go through it with you over the next few meetings. Much of the purpose is to protect the students and the team. We'll need to:

  1. How do we coordinate meetings and schedules

We coordinate meetings using web and phone-based software called Teamsnap. You will receive an email invitation to teamsnap; please accept it and complete your profile including your photo (so we can all learn each other's names/faces) and cell phone number/carrier (so you can get text notification of last-minute meeting changes and cancellations). All team meetings are shown on teamsnap and we ask mentors and students to mark their availability for each meeting so we can plan properly. There is a phone app for android and apple that makes it very easy.

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Sep 14, 2017, 11:46:20 PM