World Championships
Almost everything in the District Level Preparation Guide also applies for the Championship, except where noted.
Before Championships
Crate Packing
Teams are required to ship their robot (and optionally batteries) via a crate according to the specifications provided.
If the team makes it to worlds, FIRST will send a packet with all the necessary information.
Basic Shipping Elements
- crate
- battery box(es)
- if shipping in crate: battery label on box
- bumper holders
- spray painted '2537' on multiple sides of the box
- robot
- optionally:
- batteries
- bumpers
Crate Design: Suggestions from Previous Crates
- use liquid nail for permanent screws (don't use it for removable sides)
- making a design in CAD can help and is very fast (mostly rectangle extrusions of standard sizes)
- consider how to load/unload robot:
- how many and which sides to make easily removable
- hinges, etc.?
- locking mechanisms for robot and other components
- if non-standard or unusual heads are used, make sure the bits are available/accessible
Travel and Lodging
Information about travel over medium and long distances can be found at the Event Travel page.
Last modified 7 years ago
Last modified on Dec 29, 2017, 5:39:15 PM