
Goals for the 2017 Systems Engineering Team

These were the goals for systems engineering as established in the preseason before the 2017 season.

  1. Development functional requirements of subsystems from the high-level strategy requirements.
  2. Develop a system for verification/validation of system requirements.
  3. Research and determine tools and techniques of the systems engineering trade for use in the build season:
    • power/weight/cost budgets
    • systems requirements (see 2.)
    • physical/mechanical allocation
    • inter subteam integration (horizontal integration)
  4. Create practical timeline of the build season with milestones.
  5. Review systems engineering and integration (as well as testing) strategies and best practices of at least 10 top teams.
  6. Research/review industry systems engineering best practices.
    • risk analysis/risk matrix/risk mitigation
    • compliance matrix
    • Quality Function Deployment matrix
  7. Practice use of industry-standard tools and methods.
  8. Create comprehensive documentation, sharable with other teams.
Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Jun 15, 2017, 5:39:13 PM