Control System Components
The robot control system consists of many components that must work in concert to control the robot. The components include:
- the battery
- electrical power distribution system (see: PDP and VRM FAQs)
- environmental sensors
- actuator (e.g. motor) controllers (see: FAQ)
- the central computer that runs the software that orchestrates everything the robot does.
FIRST provides an overview of the major components of the control system including:
- roboRIO on-board computer (FAQ)
- Web dashboard
- Remote Driver Station (laptop and joysticks)
- Video camera(s) used for streaming video
- radio that provides the wireless link between the Driver Station and the robot
- Environment sensors
- Actuator (e.g. motor) controllers (FAQ)
Last modified 7 years ago
Last modified on Sep 18, 2017, 11:11:15 AM
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Control System
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