12 | | == Raspberry Pi Subscriber-Publisher Architecture == |
13 | | tbd |
| 12 | == Raspberry Pi Setup == |
| 13 | Install [https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/ Win32 Disk Imager] |
| 14 | Install [https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_lite_latest Raspian Lite] onto MicroSD card via Win32 Disk Imager |
| 15 | |
| 16 | Load Raspberry Pi 3 (rpi) with the newly imaged MicroSD |
| 17 | connect to wifi by adding the following to the /etc/network/interfaces file: |
| 18 | {{{ |
| 19 | auto wlan0 |
| 20 | iface wlan0 inet dhcp |
| 21 | wpa-ssid "your-ssid" |
| 22 | wpa-psk "your-password" |
| 23 | }}} |
| 24 | |
| 25 | reboot the pi: |
| 26 | {{{sudo shutdown -r now}}} |
| 27 | |
| 28 | update with the following commands: |
| 29 | {{{ |
| 30 | sudo apt-get update |
| 31 | sudo apt-get upgrade |
| 32 | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade |
| 33 | sudo apt-get clean |
| 34 | }}} |
| 35 | |
| 36 | set localization configuration options: |
| 37 | {{{ |
| 38 | sudo raspi-config |
| 39 | }}} |
| 40 | |
| 41 | reboot: |
| 42 | {{{sudo shutdown -r now}}} |
| 43 | |
| 44 | Install Xorg abd Xinit: |
| 45 | {{{ |
| 46 | sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg |
| 47 | sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xinit |
| 48 | }}} |
| 49 | |
| 50 | Install the MATE GUI: |
| 51 | {{{sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-core}}} |
| 52 | |
| 53 | Install LightDM login manager: |
| 54 | {{{sudo apt-get install lightdm}}} |