
Setting Up a Computer to Use as a Driver Station

The instructions below assume that on the desired computer has all the software installed from Setting Up a Computer for FRC Java Programming.

A driver station is capable of communicating directly with a roboRIO (i.e. the robot) via ethernet tether or USB (using mDNS).

1. Uninstall Previous Versions

Do a standard Windows uninstall of the National Instruments programs. You should uninstall all components.

2. Install the latest FRC Update Suite

This update suite contains FRC utilities, the driver station software, and important files.

Please make sure any old versions of LABView or the FRC Suite are uninstalled before installing.

  1. From here, download the latest version of the Update Suite. Or you can just download the 2019.2.0 update suite directly from NI 2019.2.0 here and not have to deal with any of this logging in nonsense. Installation instructions are here
  2. After successful download, extract the entire contents of the compressed file. If prompted for a password, ask a mentor.:
  3. Run setup.exe which can be found inside the folder hierarchy.
  4. Click next to move past the splash screen.
  5. In the product list screen, to make the install more efficient and faster, deselect LabView Update, which our team will not be using.
  6. On the product information page, UNCHECK THE BOX.
  7. Click next to the user information screen appears.
    1. For the full name field, enter
      Space Raiders
    2. For the organization field, enter
      AHS FRC Team 2537
    3. For the serial number, ask a mentor
  8. Accept all license agreements and install.
  9. After the lengthy install, make sure the Run License Manager... checkbox is checked. Then click Next.
  10. Enter the serial number, click Next, enter the login information from above, and click Next.
  11. If using the above NI profile information, please deselect the checkbox saying, "I want to associate my account..."
  12. Finish and close the wizard.

3. Set Up the Driver Station Software

  1. Open the Driver Station software.
  2. Navigate to the Setup tab using the left tab menu. It should be the gear icon.
  3. Set the team number as
  4. Press enter.
  5. Set the practice timing(s) to the following
    1. Countdown - 5s
    2. Autonomous - 15s
    3. Delay - 1s
    4. Teleop - 115s
    5. End Game - 20s
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Nov 19, 2019, 10:28:18 PM