The mechanical team works with aluminum, plastic, and wood to construct the body of the robot and its mechanisms.
Students learn:
- To create and manipulate robot parts using:
- Materials: aluminum plates and extrusions, steel axles and rods, polycarbonate sheet, wood, 3D printed plastics
- Fasteners: nuts, bolts, screws, rivets, adhesives, etc.
- Hand Tools: drivers, wrenches, saws, clamps, calipers, punches, etc.
- Power Tools: drills, saws, lathes, mills, benders
- Kicker Project?: day 2
- Build machines from parts using:
- Drivetrains:
- Wheels: solid, pneumatic, omni, mecannum
- Tank treads
- Transmissions?: axles, gears, sprockets, chains
- Mechanisms: pulleys, levers, ratchets, pistons, etc.
- Drivetrains:
- Mechanical engineering design and basic physics: stresses and strains, forces and moments
- Design parts and machines using computers (CAD)
- Create parts using machines and computers (CAM) e.g. 3D printing (see this video) or CNC see this video
For more information see this overview. Additional details can be found here
Last modified 7 years ago
Last modified on Sep 18, 2017, 8:50:04 PM
Attachments (1)
mech_overview.pdf (2.4 MB) - added by 7 years ago.
Mechanical Overview
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