Version 21 (modified by 7 years ago) (diff) | ,
Letter Templates
How to Set Up PayPal Orders
Dean's List
- Communicating with and recruiting sponsors
- Website
- Social media (Facebook, Instagram)
- Reach out to returning sponsors with mail in Fall
- Writing grant proposals
- Fundraising (e.g. Chipotle fundraiser)
- Outreach
- Chairman's award application
- Entrepreneurship award application
- Informational brochures for judges
- Informational brochures for sponsors
- T-shirts and giveaways
- Banners, flags
- Getting sponsor logos on robot
- Videography (if a student is interested)
Things to do for Operations Team by Month:
•Have a 10-20 minute meeting in the beginning to update each member of ops
•Set up deadlines and refresh them every 2 weeks or a month
•Keep in constant update with Chief Delphi related to Ops things
•Specify tasks for each students & mentors
•I.e. Newsletter people focused on newsletter, Social media people focused on social media
•Plan and Brainstorm for future tasks, outline, goals, ideas, prospects
•Prepare for outreach activities
•Settle on logo/fundamental team marketing items
•Work on theme for Fall training
•Begin work on an operations procedures document?
•Check & Reorganize Website and Social Medias
•Outreach bin check-up and organization
*Check what we have and how much we have
*Find out where things that should be in the bin are and get them in the bin
•Plan for inter-subteam project
*I.e. LED Spirit panel to use in the competition (co-op with electrical)
•Finalize the curriculum for Fall Training
•Finish operations procedures document?
•Sponsor Relations ($$ and support)
◦Send out emails
•Set up plans to expand our access to capital
◦Gaining new sponsors
◦Specific fundraisers
•Organize team members & their interest => assign specific tasks for each of them
•Start on designs and spirit items
•Begin monthly review video series?
•Choose subgroup leads(Business, Outreach, Marketing)
•Spirit ORDER
◦T-shirt (Tech Booster)
◦ID tags?
◦Who’s the mascot?
•Designs ORDER=> Decide which to continue
◦Business card, microfiber wipes, stickers, pens……
◦Brainstorm for ideas?
•Award write-ups Decision (
◦Woodie Flowers
◦Dean’s List (mentors)
◦Entrepreneurship award
◦Media & Tech?
•Follow up with each tasks
•Begin Award Writeups/ Award Writeups Initiation
•Design marketing materials
•Follow up with each tasks
•Begin Business Plan
•Outreach activities
•Order the marketing materials we can
•Brainstorm how things would be and what should be done for and after the kickoff
•KICK OFF!!! (Make time for members to participate in design process)
•Begin weekly update video series for [YouTube]
•Spirit items related to the theme of the game that year
•Final review of award write ups
•Submit award write ups
•Follow up with each tasks
•Begin competition documents
•Finalize and print competition documents
•Get photos of the bot
•Check each item to take for the competition
•Prepare for any competition presentations/ speaking to judges
•Get organized for regional events
•Check & organize outreach bin
•Plan out who writes which article for the wrap up newsletter
•Review the year: What worked and went well, what failed and went poorly
•Check for the 8th grade orientation and plan
•Write article for wrap up newsletter
•Wrap up the wrap up Newsletter
•Begin preparations for the next year
Things to constantly check & update:
•Social media
◦Photos & videos(Instagram)
◦Taggings & outreaching
◦YouTube videos
•Sponsor relations
◦Sponsor activities
◦Email checks
◦Sponsor $$ & support
•Team relations
•Outreach activities
◦Authorization to participate
◦Materials (robots, brochures, pins, drive station, etc.)
•Photo updates into the Shared Google Drive
•Co-op tasks with other subteams
Past Sponsors
- Leidos
- Bright Minds
- Grace
- Hackground
- Netzer Metalcraft
- Howard County Public Schools
- Maryland Space Business Roundtable
- PTR Group
- Clear Shark
- Ramparts